Vite + React + TypeScript 環境を Docker で構築する方法
haskell のIDEである haskell-language-server のVSCode拡張 Haskell for Visual Studio Code、
およびデバッガ Haskell GHCi Debug Adapter Phoityne
c:\dev\test\haskell>stack --version Version 2.7.1, Git revision 8afe0c2932716b0441cf4440d6942c59568b6b19 x86_64 hpack-0.34.4 c:\dev\test\haskell>stack ghc -- --version The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.10.4
c:\dev\test\haskell>stack install haskell-dap ghci-dap haskell-debug-adapter ・・・(略)・・・ lens > [55 of 85] Compiling Control.Lens.Internal.FieldTH conduit-extra > Registering library for conduit-extra-1.3.5.. lens > [56 of 85] Compiling Control.Lens.TH lens > [57 of 85] Compiling Control.Lens lens > [58 of 85] Compiling GHC.Generics.Lens aeson > [18 of 24] Compiling Data.Aeson.Types.Class lens > [59 of 85] Compiling Data.Vector.Lens aeson > [19 of 24] Compiling Data.Aeson.Types aeson > [20 of 24] Compiling Data.Aeson.Text lens > [60 of 85] Compiling Data.Typeable.Lens lens > [61 of 85] Compiling Data.Tree.Lens lens > [62 of 85] Compiling Data.Sequence.Lens lens > [63 of 85] Compiling Data.List.Lens lens > [64 of 85] Compiling Data.IntSet.Lens lens > [65 of 85] Compiling Data.Complex.Lens aeson > [21 of 24] Compiling Data.Aeson lens > [66 of 85] Compiling Data.ByteString.Strict.Lens lens > [67 of 85] Compiling Data.ByteString.Lazy.Lens aeson > [22 of 24] Compiling Data.Aeson.TH lens > [68 of 85] Compiling Data.ByteString.Lens lens > [69 of 85] Compiling Data.Bits.Lens lens > [70 of 85] Compiling Data.Array.Lens lens > [71 of 85] Compiling Control.Seq.Lens lens > [72 of 85] Compiling Control.Parallel.Strategies.Lens lens > [73 of 85] Compiling Control.Monad.Error.Lens lens > [74 of 85] Compiling Control.Lens.Unsound lens > [75 of 85] Compiling Control.Lens.Operators lens > [76 of 85] Compiling Control.Lens.Extras lens > [77 of 85] Compiling Control.Lens.Combinators lens > [78 of 85] Compiling Control.Exception.Lens lens > [79 of 85] Compiling Data.Dynamic.Lens lens > [80 of 85] Compiling Numeric.Lens lens > [81 of 85] Compiling Numeric.Natural.Lens aeson > [23 of 24] Compiling Data.Aeson.QQ.Simple lens > [82 of 85] Compiling Paths_lens aeson > [24 of 24] Compiling Data.Aeson.Encode lens > [83 of 85] Compiling System.Exit.Lens lens > [84 of 85] Compiling System.FilePath.Lens lens > [85 of 85] Compiling System.IO.Error.Lens aeson > copy/register aeson > Installing library in C:\sr\snapshots\bc295c76\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-8.10.4\aeson- aeson > Registering library for aeson- lens > copy/register lens > Installing library in C:\sr\snapshots\bc295c76\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-8.10.4\lens-4.19.2-7Q00MKR54DVFFru2tZkQiv lens > Registering library for lens-4.19.2.. Progress 74/76: fsnotify
c:\dev\test\haskell>chcp 65001 Active code page: 65001 c:\dev\test\haskell>stack install haskell-dap ghci-dap haskell-debug-adapter ・・・(略)・・・ fsnotify > Registering library for fsnotify- haskell-debug-adapter> configure haskell-debug-adapter> Configuring haskell-debug-adapter- haskell-debug-adapter> build haskell-debug-adapter> Preprocessing library for haskell-debug-adapter- haskell-debug-adapter> Building library for haskell-debug-adapter- haskell-debug-adapter> [ 1 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.Constant haskell-debug-adapter> [ 2 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.Logger haskell-debug-adapter> [ 3 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.TH.Utility haskell-debug-adapter> [ 4 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.Type haskell-debug-adapter> [ 5 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.Utility haskell-debug-adapter> [ 6 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.Shutdown haskell-debug-adapter> [ 7 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.Init.Initialize haskell-debug-adapter> [ 8 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.GHCiRun.ConfigurationDone haskell-debug-adapter> [ 9 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun.Threads haskell-debug-adapter> [10 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.Response haskell-debug-adapter> [11 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.Request haskell-debug-adapter> [12 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.GHCi haskell-debug-adapter> [13 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.Utility haskell-debug-adapter> [14 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.GHCiRun haskell-debug-adapter> [15 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun.Terminate haskell-debug-adapter> [16 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun.InternalTerminate haskell-debug-adapter> [17 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.Contaminated haskell-debug-adapter> [18 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.Init.Launch haskell-debug-adapter> [19 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.Init haskell-debug-adapter> [20 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun.Variables haskell-debug-adapter> [21 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun.StepIn haskell-debug-adapter> [22 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun.StackTrace haskell-debug-adapter> [23 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun.Scopes haskell-debug-adapter> [24 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun.Next haskell-debug-adapter> [25 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun.Continue haskell-debug-adapter> [26 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.State.DebugRun haskell-debug-adapter> [27 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.Application haskell-debug-adapter> [28 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.Watch haskell-debug-adapter> [29 of 30] Compiling Paths_haskell_debug_adapter haskell-debug-adapter> [30 of 30] Compiling Haskell.Debug.Adapter.Control haskell-debug-adapter> Preprocessing executable 'haskell-debug-adapter' for haskell-debug-adapter- haskell-debug-adapter> Building executable 'haskell-debug-adapter' for haskell-debug-adapter- haskell-debug-adapter> [1 of 2] Compiling Paths_haskell_debug_adapter haskell-debug-adapter> [2 of 2] Compiling Main haskell-debug-adapter> Linking .stack-work\dist\274b403a\build\haskell-debug-adapter\haskell-debug-adapter.exe ... haskell-debug-adapter> copy/register haskell-debug-adapter> Installing library in C:\sr\snapshots\bc295c76\lib\x86_64-windows-ghc-8.10.4\haskell-debug-adapter- haskell-debug-adapter> Installing executable haskell-debug-adapter in C:\sr\snapshots\bc295c76\bin haskell-debug-adapter> Registering library for haskell-debug-adapter- Completed 2 action(s). Copying from C:\sr\snapshots\bc295c76\bin\ghci-dap.exe to C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\local\bin\ghci-dap.exe Copying from C:\sr\snapshots\bc295c76\bin\haskell-debug-adapter.exe to C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\local\bin\haskell-debug-adapter.exe Copied executables to C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\local\bin: - ghci-dap.exe - haskell-debug-adapter.exe